Family Culture Roadmap
A step-by-step guide for parents to create a family culture of wholeness, connection, and purpose.
In this online course you will...
Create Clear Family Values
Don't raise your family on accident. Create a vision for your family with clear family values and then overhaul your life to make that vision a reality.
Become the Parent You Want to Be
Parent from a place of wholeness, where you are your best self more often than not, and where you model for your kids what it looks like to be secure, balanced and an emotionally intelligent person.
Learn the Art of Connection
Society is full of broken relationships. Change the statistics by creating an emotionally intelligent family culture where each person experiences connection and belonging.
Change Your Family Narrative
Every family is telling a story. You have what it takes to break unhealthy cycles, lead your family on purpose, and create a beautiful legacy.

Step-by-Step Guide
Simple and intentional steps makes all the difference when it comes to raising your kids. Let this course lead you step-by-step.

Deep, Meaningful Relationships
Relationships are complicated, especially if we don't know what they need from us. This course will teach you how to cherish best the ones you love the most.
Enrollment Open
There is no time like the present to begin intentionally investing in the most important relationships in your life!
Key things you will learn...
How to create a plan for improving the weakest areas of your family culture
How to write clearly defined family values that each person in your family has memorized
How to walk in confidence knowing you are giving your family your best self
How to say no to the good things so you can say yes to the best things
How to create an emotionally intelligent family culture where you are able to process emotions in a healthy and productive way
How to talk about hard topics with your kids
- How to live out your family values at school, work, and with friends

"Before enrolling in Family Culture Roadmap our family had little direction. We had a big idea of what we wanted to do and who we wanted to be, but no plan to get there and some of our ideas were not cohesive with other's ideas. We felt frustrated like we kept just getting by, doing the same thing over and over.
Family Culture Roadmap starts with The Vision Phase. This quickly got our family dreaming and planning together, creating a cohesive dream and plan. We became a team all working in the same direction which made us more invested. It also prepared us to work through the next phases of the course.
We are becoming better at processing and recognizing our emotions and acknowledging our kids. This has opened up conversations and deepened our connections.
A cool thing that happened to me in the wholeness phase was that when going through the workbook I realized I knew very little about my paternal grandfather. I decided to ask my aunt about him and learned so much I didn't know before. I better understood my father's personality as well as my own and found greater peace with who I am and how I parent.
FCR isn't designed to make you parent a certain way. It is flexible and adaptable. It helps you and your family discover who you are and what you want."

"Prior to beginning Family Culture Roadmap we honestly didn’t think we had massive challenges. We knew that challenges would be coming. We thought some intentional conversations as a family would be helpful as we prepared for a cross-country move. What we realized, however, is the old adage “You don’t know what you don’t know.”
We discovered that there was all kinds of untapped potential in our family that came out with some intentionality. I personally didn’t realize how much I discounted the role of connecting with my children emotionally; what a challenge that has been! That skill does not come easy to me.
These realizations did not feel defeating or internally condemning, however. We instead were thankful for the opportunity Family Culture Roadmap provided us to grow and let our children reap the benefits. Personally, I have felt “enlightened” and then empowered to be better. It teaches things I knew intellectually but was unaware that I was not executing in my parenting! The tools given are simple (in concept) and accessible. I don’t feel lost, I feel equipped to grow.
The Vision phase was very practical. We crafted our “Family Values” together as a family, printed and framed them, and repeat them before we pray each night for dinner. We have worked them into family conversations about discipline and motivations.
This last phase on emotion coaching is still in process! I’m hoping that my first response is going to be to “get curious” and listen/observe my children from an emotional perspective more and more.
I think intentionality in our families goes WAY FURTHER than we give it credit for. Understandably, we are often in survival mode; just going to the next things and getting things done. But who are we, really? What do we want? And what is our why? We all want to connect with our children in meaningful ways, but we often assume that, because we are the adults that they will come to us on our terms. But that’s not how relationships work.
This course has helped me realize what I can do to be the parent God wants me to be for my kids. This course is the roadmap that leads me on that journey of discovery. I can’t imagine there is anybody that would not grow from this course."
Enrollment Open
Parenting is about today!