When You Don't Fit the Christian Woman Mold

marriage spirituality Jan 17, 2022


For years I lived under the heavy weight of what I thought a Christian woman was supposed to be like. The place it caused the most hurt and frustration was in my marriage. The cultural interpretation of the Biblical phrases, “The man is the head of the household” and “Wives must submit to their husbands” held us captive. We watched Christian couples that we loved and respected operate effortlessly in this way and strived to mimic their ways of relating to one another.


The problem was this theology seemed in direct contradiction to our personalities and nature. I am a visionary person with gifts of leadership and a strong will and drive. These attributes that had always been praised in my life before knowing Christ now felt like a burden and a sin as a Christian woman and wife. My husband has a much gentler personality. He is fun-loving, steady, a peacemaker and problem-solver, and is quite content to take each day as it comes.


So naturally we were miserable. I wanted him to ...

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